The LIEBSTER Award !!!!!!

I am so thrilled to be nominated for this award !!!!!  Thank you so much Mira at for nominating me.

For a new blogger like me, this is a huge gesture of encouragement and I sincerely appreciate the support of other wonderful bloggers like you!

Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you!

11 random facts about me are-

1. I am an architect by education

2 . A mom at heart

3. I love to crochet

4. Love playing word games with my family

5. I want to travel to Malaysia some day

6. I enjoy reading

7. Creative ideas excite me

8. My downtime is cooking and jewelry making

9. Color coordinating my outfits happens naturally for me

10. Love the colors of fall and spring

11. I was chased by a bull 😉

My 11 answers to your questions are-

1.Yes I work for a non-profit school

2. Yes.

3.Not really

4. Yes. I love fashion very much

5. Mexico

6.Yes, married

7. yes, very 🙂

8. No…too attached:)

9. Morning

10. Cooking

11. Yes definitely



  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

These are the 11 bloggers I am honored to nominate-

Here are my 11 questions for you dear friends-

1. What type of food do you crave- sweet or salty?

2. What is your favorite weather?

3.  Which country would you like to travel to?

4.Do you like to go for long walks?

5. What atmosphere feels calming to you?

6. Do you like to read?

7. Do you love photography?

8. What is your favorite hobby?

9. What do you do for fun?

10. What is your favorite restaurant to go with your favorite person?

11. Do you like to be with lots of friends or just a few close ones?


18 thoughts on “The LIEBSTER Award !!!!!!

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    1. Thank you so much, Indah! I love your blog. Your photos are breath takingly beautiful and I love the stories they tell.
      Love, Sandhya


  1. i was just scrolling down the new updated posts on my reader and i stumble upon this! wow, what a pleasant surprise sandhya! thank you so much for nominating me! you’re so sweet 😀


  2. Dear Sandhya, This is such a wonderful nomination to receive!! I am so excited for you!!!! Let’s try and get together for coffee or a walk so you can tell me all about this fantastic award!! I loved your comments about yourself as well as your list of questions you wrote. You must be on cloud 11!!! Congratulations my dear friend. I know cooking is a labor of love for you! ttys, ~Lisa

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Lisa,
    Thank you so much for all your kind words .You,my dear friend have always supported and encouraged me and I truly appreciate that. I am looking forward to our coffee and chat.


  4. Hi Sandhya,

    Thanks for nominating my blog for Liebster award.

    As I am new to blogging, I have no idea how this award is useful for new bloggers like me. Any idea what happens to those who win this award?

    Please do share some information about this award.

    Sanjay Dhadwal


    1. Sanjay,
      I am not sure how the award works either. My blog isj ust 5 months old too. But I saw that the other bloggers display their awards on the front page, so figured it must be important to win some:)
      You have a great blog so I nominated you.


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